I spent the last couple of weeks working on the details of Bitcoin DSL and working on a jupyter notebook that can be started from a docker image. The docker jupyter notebook will make it easy for others - and my future self - to use the DSL.


Here’s a sneak peak at a notebook running the DSL. We are still in the process of documentation on how to use the DSL from a notebook. Meanwhile, everything is up on the repo, the Dockerfile has all the details we are working on.

Jupyter notebook running Bitcoin DSL

Lightning Contracts

We can now describe lightning contracts as seen in the examples contracts directory of the repository.

Here is a sample where commitment transaction is closed unilaterally by Alice.

# Alice broadcasts her commitment transaction unilaterally
broadcast @alice_commitment_tx
confirm transaction: @alice_commitment_tx, to: @alice

# Bob's commitment transaction can no longer be broadcast
assert_not_mempool_accept @bob_commitment_tx

# Alice sweeps her fund from the commitment output
@alice_sweep_tx = transaction inputs: [
                                { tx: @alice_commitment_tx,
                                  vout: 0,
                                  script_sig: 'sig:@alice ""',
                                  csv: @local_delay }
                              outputs: [
                                { descriptor: 'wpkh(@alice)', amount: 49.998.sats }

# Alice can't sweep until local_delay blocks have been generated
assert_not_mempool_accept @alice_sweep_tx

extend_chain num_blocks: @local_delay, to: @alice

# Now alice can sweep the output from commitment transaction
broadcast @alice_sweep_tx
confirm transaction: @alice_sweep_tx, to: @alice

Similarly we have a penalty transaction where Bob is able to sweep outputs from the commitment transaction if Alice spends a revoked commitment transaction.

The details of such a transaction are coming soon on a dedicated documentation website. The website will provide a reference for all DSL commands as well as examples showing contracts from LN, ARK, RGB, and others.